Cambridge B2 First | Frequently Asked Questions

Cambridge B2 First | Frequently Asked Questions

I get asked several questions a day regarding the Cambridge B2 First exam. So, I decided to start noting these questions down, along with my answers.

I will categorise these questions in the future, but for now, these are some of the most common questions I am asked:


Good night, teacher! I’m doubt with how much time do I have to pass my answers to the answer sheet paper. For example, in the Listening test I have minutes after the test to do this. In the Use of English and Reading test I have this 5 minutes after the 75 min, or is during this 75 min that I have to do this? Thank you very much!!!

My response:

Hi José, You have five minutes at the end of each exam paper to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.


What can I expect on the exam day?

My response:

Hey, that’s a good question. Here is a 10 minute long video giving you loads of important details:


My exam is tomorrow, what should I do?

My response:

Many students are very nervous the day before the exam, especially if they haven’t prepared. Here is some useful advice:


“I have one question. I’m confused if the reading part (5,6 and 7) it’s in the same day of the use of English (1, 2 and 3). All together?”

My response:

“Hi, yes, the reading and use of English exercises are combined into one long exam paper, so you will do them both on the same day.”


“Do we use a pen or pencil?”

My response:

“Use a pencil and write in capital letters. In the writing paper you can write with a pen and you can write in small letters, but write neatly.”

I will update this page with more Cambridge B2 First questions soon.

If you have any questions, you can write them in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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6 thoughts on “Cambridge B2 First | Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I have a question. I have not filled in the writing paper the answers of the second third and fourth part of Reading and use of english with Capital letters. Will my answers get assessed?

  2. I have a question. I have written in the writing part in neat and clear capital letters. Is it the same as if I wrote in small letters?

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