CAE Use of English Part 3

CAE Use of English Part 3

I created this page for us to learn a technique for part 3 of the CAE Use of English paper. It also gives students and teachers the opportunity to talk about and share the best resources to prepare for part 3 of the C1 Advanced: CAE Use of English paper.

CAE Use of English Part 3 – Format

Before watching the video below, let’s remind ourselves what to do in part 3 of the Use of English paper.

Part 3 tests your knowledge of word families and sentence structures. You have 8 gaps to complete in one passage. At the end of each line with a gap, there is a word which you need to use in order to fill the gap. You need to change the form of the word. For example, you may see the word ‘SUGGEST’ and you need to change it to ‘SUGGESTION’. This is why it is important that you understand sentence structures to help decide which type of word you need, adjective, noun etc. and why you need to have good knowledge of word families, so you know the ending of the word you need to use. Watch out for prefixes in this part of the exam and watch your spelling!

Let’s watch the video below to revise the format and start learning some really useful techniques for this part of the exam.

The video below is for Gold members only. If you want to watch this video, please register here or if you already have Gold membership log in here.

cae use of english part 3


CAE Use of English Part 3 Tips

The technique I teach for this part of the exam is:

1. Read the whole passage to understand the overall theme.

2. Read the whole sentence surrounding the first gap.

3. Identify the types of words before and after the first gap.

In order to successfully pass this part of the Use of English paper, you need to have a good idea of word types and sentences structures. Learning word endings will help you identify the type of word you need to put in the gap. This page will be a useful starting point for this. 

4. Study prefixes and word endings before the exam.

This book also has some really good exercises and practice activities for locating and understanding word types.

5. Check your spelling!

CAE Use of English Part 3 Practice

Learning a technique is one thing, practising another.

CAE Writing Tip: this is available for Gold members only.

Anyway, in order to make this technique second nature, you should practise using it with more part 3 exercises.

Sorry, this content is restricted for Gold members only. Register here >>

CAE Use of English Part 3

Here is my ‘C1 or not C1 audiobook’ which I mentioned in the video above:

c1 or not c1 audiobook

Luckily for you, I’ve put another part 3 exercise video below. This is no ordinary part 3 exercise though. You will copy write out your own part 3 exercise from a dictation. The benefits of this are immense and to be honest, I can’t be bothered to explain all the benefits right now. But, you should watch the video below and you will also find a couple of surprises inside. Including the content of the dictation. Remember you will be leaving blank spaces in order to complete it later as a part 3 exercise.

Dictation worksheet.

English word families and sentence structures.

Below is a copy of the passage without the answers. I left an example (0) in there to help you understand…

Here are the options to fill the blanks with…


Are you ready to look at the passage with the correct answers?

If you don’t know why the answers above are correct, I recommend signing up for Gold membership here because I explain the answers in another video below which you cannot see at the moment. There are also loads of other perks of being a member which you can find out here >>

CAE Use of English Part 3 Homework

Modify the following words to fit into the blanks in the passage below:

Blank 1: EXAM


Blank 3: ANSWER

Blank 4: CHOICE

Blank 5: DIFFER 


Blank 7: ACTIVE

Blank 8: CONFIDE

cae use of english part 3 questions based on cae speaking part 2



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